
Shadow tactics blades of the shogun aikos choice trainer
Shadow tactics blades of the shogun aikos choice trainer

In the mission Hana Gakuen, use Takuma’s bomb to kill Lady Chio.

  • Kill Lady Chiyo with any character other than Aiko.
  • Don’t kill Lady Chiyo using other characters as this will not count. Kill Lady Chiyo using explosives or poison (mission objective). In the mission Hana Gakuen, don’t get a disguise for Aiko.
  • Kill Lady Chiyo without getting a disguise.
  • Don’t extinguish any light sources in Matsuyama.
  • Only use Takuma’s sniper rifle to stun a samurai.
  • Don’t kill anyone with Takuma during the mission “The Best Laid Plans.”.
  • Use Kuma to attract the guard where a samurai and straw hat is talking then drop the box on them.

    shadow tactics blades of the shogun aikos choice trainer

    Kill at least 3 guards in the mission “A Night at Sea”.Kill all enemies at the mansion in Nagoya.Throw the guard into the well after killing/knocking him out. You can unlock this during the first mission. Distract 4 guards at the same time with Kuma.In the mission Hana Gakuen, have Mugen pick up the big rock and throw it at a samurai. Kill a guard with a drop attack from a rope.

    shadow tactics blades of the shogun aikos choice trainer

    If you are having trouble doing this during normal play, just knock out 4 guards, use shadow mode to have Hayato, Yuki, Mugen, and Aiko kill the 4 guards and have Takuma snipe a fifth guard. In any mission where you have all 5 characters, use Shadow Mode to kill or knock out 5 guards at the same time.

  • Kill or knock out 5 guards at the same time with all 5 characters.
  • In any mission where you have all 5 characters, use Shadow Mode and execute a walk command on all 5 characters. In the Epilogue mission, interact with Kuma several times to talk to him until you get the achievement. Touch the stones in the wrong order and fail 3 times. In the mission Hana Gakuen, there is a Shrine riddle at the beginning.
  • Fail the Shrine riddle at the beginning 3 times.
  • Just swim around until the achievement pops. You should unlock this on your first playthrough of this mission.
  • Travel 1200 meters in water during the mission “The Best Laid Plans”.
  • In the mission Nagoya City, swim on one side of the river to come out on the other side.
  • Come out of the other side of the river in Nagoya.
  • Bring your characters in the island and it will trigger a conversation. In the mission Toba Coastline, look for a small empty island in the middle of the map.
  • Talk to a samurai when disguised with Aiko.Įquip a disguise on Aiko, quicksave then press D and click on the Samurai to talk to him.
  • Hide with all characters in a single bush.
  • Note: The screenshot below is not for an achievement but for the badge (Nagoya City): Kill 5 enemies at the same time with Mugen’s Sword Wind.
  • 6 Story Achievements – These achievements automatically unlock as you progress the story.
  • 16 Grind Achievements – These achievements require a bit of grinding.
  • 15 Special Achievements – These are like challenges.
  • 7 Secret Achievements – Hidden achievements that you can unlock accidentally or by following a guide like this.
  • Does difficulty affect achievements?: No.
  • Minimum number of playthroughs needed: There is chapter select and missions will have to be replayed several times to get badges.
  • Approximate amount of time to 100%: 15 to 20 hours.
  • #Shadow tactics blades of the shogun aikos choice trainer how to#

    How to Obtain All Achievements/Trophies Stuff You Want to Know About

  • How to Obtain All Achievements/Trophies.
  • Mimimi most recently shipped Desperados 3, another strategy game we enjoyed quite a bit. Rock Paper Shotgun reported earlier this year that the studio's "next game is something brand-new." Though, to be clear, Abe didn't outright confirm the team is actually working on Shadow Tactics 2, so don't get too excited yet. We were able to talk to Mimimi Games Creative Director and Co-Founder Dominik Abe earlier this year about Aiko's Choice about the DLC, its main character, and its mission structure.Ībe said that while the team would like to work on a sequel at some point, they wanted to add something to Shadow Tactics that would tide players over until then.

    shadow tactics blades of the shogun aikos choice trainer

    Hayato, Takuma, Yuki, and Mugen all return to help Aiko along on her journey. Just as in the base game, you'll be able to take on these missions alongside old, familiar faces. There's no word on how much it will cost just yet, nor is there a firmer release date than the December release window. The expansion will feature three primary missions, three interlude missions, and new environments.

    Shadow tactics blades of the shogun aikos choice trainer